Sunday, May 17, 2009


Another weekend over...
This weekend was good. Nothing too exciting. Spent most of yesterday walking the streets and shopping and just checking it all out. I love just walking around and watching everything. I found another bookstore that I want to go back and check out too :) And I found a pair of jeans that fits me! And a couple shirts on sale! It is still so rare for me to find clothes I like, so that was exciting. I also tried this special drink they sell in carts all over the city. It's supposed to be good for you, and I was thirsty from walking all over. It was like nothing I've ever tasted before, but it was really good. I'll write down the name next time I pass a cart so I can post it on here. Then I went to the supermarket to pick up a few things and made dinner. I decided to use the fresh zucchini and carrots I had bought at the Mercado Central last week, so I cooked those in some olive oil, mixed in a small can of peas and some chopped ham and stirred it into a big pan of fresh rice I cooked. It was pretty good. Needed some seasoning, but I didn't have any so I just added a little cheese. It made a huge thing so I froze the leftovers. I want to try it again at home when I have other random stuff to mix into it. It can be fun to cook random recipes :)

Today I did a 8k (5,19mile) run at 10am. I used my iPod Nike thing to keep track of my own times and stuff. I ran the first 3.52 miles, then walked for a little bit. I started running again the last about 1/2 mile. I did the whole thing in 54 minutes. I was proud of myself. There were a ton of people today, I think around 100,000 out there running and walking. I was definately well into the first half to finish. We got free shirts for running and got to wear numbers on our backs. It was pretty cool. Afterwards I just did homework and cleaned up and stuff. Nothing too exciting. Class again tomorrow, then bowling tomorrow night.

And if you happen to see this, Happy Birthday Grandma Janet!

1 comment:

  1. hey sara sounds like you are getting to know your way around.sounds like fun.dont forget to take lots of pics.(with you in some,so we can see you in spain) lovr you, love mom
