Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So, it's really late and I just finished my homework for the night and wanted to post real quick before I go to bed.

League was interesting last night. The lanes are just bad here, and all the scores reflect that. I was told to go practice at another place, which just happens to be the same one we looked up at Boardwalk, so I'm going to check it out when I can (it's like a 20 minute bus ride so I need to figure out the routes first). I learned a bunch of the Spanish terms for bowling, and I'll post them all tomorrow after class.

Today in my first class we went to La Plaza de la Virgin (that I walk through almost every day to get places) and a really pretty old building that used to be where they traded silk. The sculptures and gargoyles were amazing! The whole building fascinated me. I'm going to go back again soon and look at it some more.

In my 2nd class today, we did stuff I never expected to do in a class. It was my dance in movies class, and we walked over to my professors' (they coteach) apartment a few blocks away to watch a movie about a flenco studio making a production. They had food set out for us and Sangria to drink (and beer for the 2 guys in our class that wanted it). I never imagined I would have a professor give us alcohol, especially not to drink during class. But the Spanish culture is so much different than ours that it is just normal here to have a drink while doing stuff (even though the professors are American). It was a really good movie and a much better experience sitting in thier living room than in a classroom for the movie. I really like this class because it is so laid back.

Tonight one of the bullfighters came and gave a presentation about their training and what it's like to be in there with the bull. That was pretty interesting too. Except my allergies kicked in strong today so my head was pounding and lightheaded the whole talk... no fun. Doing homework with my head like this wasn't easy either, but now I get to sleep :) Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning, and if not I'll pick up a decongestent at the farmacy.

Ok, goodnight all! I promise I will post more pics soon! I even had someone take one with me in it today for you Mom!


  1. hey sara, i love reading your updates.can't wait to see the pictures. i love you love mom

  2. hi sara !!! this your ma-ma we are at joni's house reading your blog you do a great job explaining all of the things you are doing we are so proud of you and love you very much love ma-ma
