Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fun classes???

So I have officially had one session of each of my classes, and I am shocked to say I actually like them all and think they will be fun...

I already talked about my civilizations and culture class where I get to see sites all over Valencia and make a scrapbook as my final project. Next I had dance in film where we will spend the beginning of each class watching films that contain flamenco dancing and the second have in a cafe or a bar talking about it (all in English). Our first homework was to go to a Flamenco show at a bar nearby last night. It was amazing! I don't know how the dancers more that fast! My final class I had this morning, Business and culture in Spain. We spent the first hour in the computer lab learning about some of the big business empires in Spain (clothes companies) then went out to check them out by spending 2 hours walking through stores up and down the biggest commercial street in Valencia. Can't complain about a class that takes fieldtrips to the mall :)

After class, I went for a run in the park that used to be a river. I went left this time and saw all the little playgrounds and sports fields and stuff. There are so many paths leading down the river bed and it is so gorgeous! Plus, I felt completely safe because there were so many people down there walking, running, biking, picniking, playing sports and just hanging out. After I went to lunch with the Club de Espanol where we meet a few times a week to just talk in Spanish and hang out since most people in the Study Center only speak English. It is a good way for us to practice our Spanish. After, I walked back over to the shopping street and just wandered around through the stores for a few hours. Specifically 2 of the bookstores; I think I could get lost in bookstores for days, even in other languages.

I love how safe this city is. During my run and during my shopping I was alone, but so were a ton of other women. I feel so extremely safe here, especially compared to Orlando where I feel like I constantly need to be on guard. I'm still very cautious and aware here, but I really feel safe walking around all day. Even at night when we walk in groups, it's super safe.

Last night and today are really funny because there is a big Barcelona vs. Bilboa futbol game tonight. The streets are filled with 1000s of fans all dressed in jerseys and flags and team colors. It's so funny to see. They are all chanting and singing and yelling and blowing horns and so excited. It's all in a very positive way. They are enjoying themselves and getting really into it unlike at home where fans just get drunk and act stupid.

I must say that I am completely in love with Valencia. The only things I don't love are that there isn't a 24 hour store to buy groceries and other neccesities at, everything has weird hours (which is also kinda fun though) and is closed on Sundays. If it weren't for the fact that it's literally on the other side of the world from everyone in my life, I would definately consider living here lol It's such an amazing place!

I wanna go bowl right now, but it's already 8pm and if I walked there now it would be 830 when I got there, and I would have to walk back in the dark with my ball... while I'm sure it's safe, I don't want to risk it. Guess I'll have to wait til tomorrow... Have a great day! :D

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