Saturday, May 9, 2009


I created a Shutterfly account to show the pics I've taken so far... (156) Just follow the link below :)

Yesterday, we toured the city and saw so much! Then we went out last night and explored the city. The restaurants don't open until 9ish so we went to an Italian place around 10 then explored some of the pubs around the University of Valencia. It was very different. People drink to hang out here, so no one was drunk (which made the places much more enjoyable and much cleaner). We went to a discoteca by the beach after, but it was really really crowded so our group went to the beach instead. The beach is huge! Took forever to walk all the way down the water. I can't wait to go back in the daytime :)

Today, we went to a bullfight. It was very gruesome at times. At least I can say I've been to one, but I don't plan on ever going back. Very sad. Such a different culture here. They are setting up the big plaza near here for a ceremony to move a Mary statue from one church to another. I'm going to try to go to that in the morning. Tonight some of the people are going to a football (soccer) game, but it was expensive, 61Euros (a lot of $$'s) and I don't really like sports, so I'm going to watch some of it on tv and check out the market set up around the corner from here until the fireworks at 11 tonight. Should be fun :)

We are talking about going to the beach tomorrow if the weather is nice :) it's been pretty cold today and yesterday. Thursday was warm. Still amazing to be here though! I've eaten at quite a few of the little places around here. Almost everything is made with jamon y queso (ham and cheese). It's all sooooo good! I want to try some paella soon since it originated here in Valencia. The gellato is of course awesome too!

Off to Explore... Hasta Luego!

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